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Hallo! Ich würde mein System verkaufen. Im folgenden Video kann man in Aktion zu sehen:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU0JptwB2vwIch schreibe die Spezifikationen in Englisch weil es leicht für mich ist:
That is a plug and play kit for the M42B18 with DISA. I redesigned the intake manifold of my BMW E36 318IS coupe. I used an intake casting from RHD (that is the only part which is not custom made), the rest of the parts are custom designed and tested. It is running with factory ECU. Every engine unit can be retained with it ( brake booster, tank ventilation, DISA, fuel regulator, crankcase vent, original air filter housing ) and so the kit is plug and play.
- keeping the longest possible intake pipe length for low and mid range torque,
- custom made mountings for ICV and vacuum block,
- slim throttle bodies,
- intake plenum with spy windows,
- "dakargelb" intake trumpets moved by actuator.
- it can be used with the original air filter housing,
- it comes with all the necessary vacuum hoses.
It ran in my car for 1500 km without any problem.
Results: with the OEM ECU (Motronic 1.4.2) and totally stock engine it makes more power (+5%) from 2250 RPM to redline. It could get more power with a remap or with a stand-alone ECU, but I didn't tried it. It gives more agressive induction sound and better throttle response.
The kit is located in Hungary. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

This is the only one ITB kit with variable length (moving intake trumpets) in the world.