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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Thomas Olivaux
Hello BMW Syndikat :)

I'm a new member, from Luxembourg. What a shame, I don't speak German (I'll learn, no other option for my BMW passion :p)

Is BMW Syndikat a forum where we can post some ad? I'd just like to post one because I think more people here in Germany could be interested and in the same time help me, but I'm also a forum moderator, I know that there's noting worse than a member who do stupid things :)

By the way, I'm a 26 years old BMW fanatic, currently having 3 BMW, you can see my signature :)


Hi Thoma, please look here too. Thats the interational forum.


grettz ...
Left Field
Hi Thomas and welcome to our forum.

Yeah, u can post adds but it´ll b better if u gon post in our international forum as they say, cause there b some more english speakin ppl i think but feel free to post here if u want to.

Bye the way, u say u iz a forum moderator..
Whats the name of it n iz it about BMW?

Bearbeitet von - bmw-4-life am 23.02.2007 22:18:20
Thomas Olivaux

It's a french forum, www.6enligne.net.

See you,
