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Sorry about using English on german forum, but I hope someone there could provide me an answer.

I have 2005 model 325Ci which has standard electric seats, with heating and NO memory. I have found out that car-parts-mueller has good M3 series sport seats for sale and I am thinking about buying them and installing them into my car.

Problem is: The M3 seats are MY2001 and my car MY2005. Will wiring harness fit? And will I get memory funktion working or do I have to replace wiring harnessess or have I to flash the cars ECU?

If anyone knows , please help!


on Tuesday I was by Car-Parts Mueller in Ettlingen. The Elektrical wirering will be passed on every E46. If your old sets have memory it will be work. For more Questions you can Mail to:info@car-parts-mueller.de or Phone +49173 3249019 and ask Edgar. If it fits.


Thanks , I will ask this same question from them too. Finnish BMW importer said that there are different wiring installed, so getting memory to work is not possible.. Go figure.

And I don´t have memory seats, just electrical adjustment.

Help still appreciated. :)