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Moin Baue grade mein touring von m40 auf m42 um und komm an der Elektronik nicht vorran was alles geändert werden muss Motor ist soweit fertig



M42/M44 Motorumbau...

Ciao - Carsten
Yes, converting an M40 engine to an M42 engine will require changes to the electronics. The M42 engine uses a different engine management system, which means that the wiring harness, sensors, and other components will need to be updated to work with the new engine.

Additionally, the M42 engine may have different requirements for fuel and air delivery, which could affect the size and configuration of the fuel injectors, as well as the intake and exhaust systems.

It's important to make sure that all the necessary components are properly installed and configured, and that the engine management system is programmed correctly for the new engine. It may be helpful to consult with a mechanic or experienced enthusiast who has completed this type of conversion before, to ensure that everything is done correctly and safely.   MyHealthonline Login

Bearbeitet von: Ronaldwarriner am 28.03.2023 um 06:51:30