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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Hello BMW Friends.I hope english is OK.

I've have heard some rumors about a German guy/company who have a lot of used BMW parts.
In fact, very many parts.
There should be a lot of parts, and also for newer BMW's. And if you visit him, you have the feeling that, how can have a overview for all those parts?

Some times he also have "new" BMW parts there is sold from BMW from the "back door", because a shipment have a minor transport damage.What is also special about this place/company is that the don't have a website. And the do not sell online. 
But if you visit him you can get a good deal, if you want to buy many BMW parts.
Can someone give me a hint? - If so, 1000 Thanks :O)

Yours sincerely
Henrik Sørensen.
Koed Denmark (A Danish BMW Parts dealer)