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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Hi BMW lovers.

I live in Denmark, so im not that good on german.

I got a BMW 328i F30 from 2012.

I want a USB port  I only have AUX in my car. Do I need to buy a new Auto radio?
If I need to buy a new one, then I want a bigger Screen (Mayne 8''), Navi etc. If it is possible to buy one and get it installed near the border Denmark/Germany or Flensburg please let me know. I have tried different Car Audio shops in Denmark, but they don't have clue or knowledge on this issue.

Please help.
Look here: https://www.bmw-syndikat.de/bmwsyndikatforum/topic364942_F30_|_320D_EDE_|_BJ_12_2012_-_USB_Nachruesten_3er_BMW_-_F30___F31___F32___F33.html