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I will pass by Munich in a few days. What is the best shop for buying a few parts I am missing for my e36 323ti, like a couple of doors' seals, gummi mats and new mirrors' glass?
Any suggestion?
I'll be in the airport area.
Best regards,
I think it make no sense to buy spare parts locally due to the fact that all relevant online shops are cheaper than BMW located in munich directly. By the way the airport is not close to munich

Kind regards

Bearbeitet von: veno am 22.08.2016 um 21:11:06
Thanks Veno, your comment is not really helpful and a bit out of the topic. My question was not for your view on online shopping and logistic. BTW the airport is some 40 minutes from Munich downtown which I consider pretty close.
At this point of view it might be close to downtown :-). Nevertheless, there are no shops you are searching for.

Sorry for not having better news.