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I have just been given the enviable(I think....)task of attempting to sell a 1989 525i for a friend of mine. The question is for how much? A little bit about the car....

1989 525i w/AC Schnitzer package
ACS 17" Wheels
ACS Woodgrain Original Interior
ACS Spoiler Kit Complete
ACS Exhaust
2nd Engine 70,000km
Original Leather Interior...(decent condition for 16yr old car)

He wants at least 2000euro for car.....what do you guys think? Know of anyone that may be interested?
Note: Will have pictures of car on my page by tomorrow

There was a camera back there? Oh shhhh...!

I think best is to have a look on the Schwacke list (check google for Schwacke). This is the price indication buyer/seller for used cars, works great. There you get a quite great impression about the prices for little money or a general price frame for free.

As your link did not lead me to the pics I have no idea if the car is worth the 2000 €. However, it might be not too much depending on the shape of the car.

Good luck