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Well if you take a look in E34M5.DE There is a thread that went around about my car at the show in Oberhausen.

I finally read it and blasted back.

I would and will respond like that to and for everyone here in Syndikat.

Loads of love..
for those who cant find what i wrote.. here it is..


It has been a long time and I wasnt here to defend or represent myself but I am here now so anyone with anything to say feel free....

I took the car to a show not to show it but to be there in support of our local BMW club. Anyone can see if you look hard enough that these are winter tires. Other members of the people I came with also still had winter tires on their cars. So no need to worry about my shocks and fitting the rims under the car. They fit just fine!
Now being as I wasnt showing the car I still had things inside which maybe I didnt have to have but did anyway. My choice.

But seeing as it upset so many of you to see the car in that condition (if you noticed) the car went through a lot of changes and still managed to win the respect of people of other clubs and pick up 5 trophies last year.

Considering I went to 7 shows (Oberhausen included) I dont think I did that bad.
Yes, Marcus did take everything out of the car to include factory stuff... But its all good because I used the opppurtunity to get other things.

No details needed there.

Just watch next year as I come out with things just a little different every time you see me and be amazed.

Like I started off if you have something to say I am here so just send it to me PM.

I am not being aggressive.. Just sharing the same sentiments that were presented months ago.

If you were disgusted then, I am disgusted now.
You were disgusted that I could bring my car out like that... I am disgusted that instead of being a man you couldnt come up and tell me.

If I dont happen to be here when anyone wants to respond just come to Syndikat.de

Holla back"


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
i would be pissed, too.
i read the complete thread and was nearly shocked.
"the car ist dirty, in bad conditions, no rims"

cool down bilal, let them talk... we all know what really happens to your great car!!

und immer eine freie Bahn

Syndikat Region NRW
Meiner einer => klein aber fein
i think it aint easy to accept that someone else is driving the car you once loved really really bad. 2 years ago i sold my '82 E21 315 (my parents were the first owners). i knew everything about the condition of that car. if i saw it now im quite sure i wasnt that happy and in my mind maybe it would be similar to the reaction of those guys in that M5-community. but id never do that in public...
i guess everyone understands that youre pissed. and i gotta say your posting is great :-)
but all together i would stop worrying about the shit other guys who dont know me are postin in communities im not a part of.


BMW-Fah'n is wie als wenne fliechst!
www.bmw-driver.de <- bitte verewigt euch im gästebuch.

mein bimmer
I just needed to get it all out of my system.


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
What I like is that every one that posted bad about the car is now akting like a bitch an not replying anymore :D

Fuck em!


cool down bilal, let them talk... we all know what really happens to your great car!!

What he said ;-)

mfg stormy

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