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i'm trying to get my bmw 530 e34 v8 1993 (the car is from holland)
registered but the Tuv. is telling me i need a Datablatt
from bmw munchen.. so i have orded 1

im waiting for 3weeks now without any respons
we have contact them many times without any respons

i can talk and read german but cant write it (im Dutch)

does anyone have any idea what to do now..

you can anser in german....

Bearbeitet von: Weiß-Blau-Fan-Rude am 24.11.2010 um 12:39:12

Frag bei einer Firma die Autos aus den Staaten oder Japan importiert,
die müssten wissen ob man da was machen kann.

you need a new vehicle-title correct ?

Why you order this not over a BMW-dealer, with a buy-contract and the Vehicle idenfications number you will get a new title for your car.

to which adress you send your mails ?
