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There is that thing in Hockenheim but it isnt a BMW only event so i am not counting it.

For those who havent looked at the calander on the other thread or know what is going on with the shows (where or when) I just wanted to clear it up a little.

In July we have our monthly meeting.
3 July- Frankenthal at 1600. Then we are going to BBQ.
10 July- Show in Lich (Giessen)
31 July- Show in Kirkel (K-town)

These are the shows I have every intention of going to.

There are other shows as well but since I am writing this I am stating my intentions.

Please announce here and in the other thread what shows you are going to.
The reason is so that Jogi (or someone else) knows whether to reserve places and/ or to bring the tent.

Life is like a video game but the graphic are better!!