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I may be in the USA but I am still here in the forum.So topic of this week:

I am pretty set on getting a E39M5

should I do it.. plus/minus ...or get a E46M3?
glad to hear that

sorry that I couldnt be at the Seasonopening to say good bye
- but i tried to give you a call you before you left
so sad that it didnt happen to reach you

but as i heard from zenon there's a chance to see you again - is that true?

so - are you looking for the ride for the US or for a second turn in Germany?

US - clearly the E39 - a V8 is a V8 - 'nuff said ;)

Ger - also the E39 - a big man needs a big ride
and the difference in fuel consumption isnt that big - should be a little bit less than your E34 needed
but it's much more difficult to find a good M346 than a M539 in good shape

I would prefer the M5!
becaus the m3 engine from the e46 is not so good, like the e36 m3 engine.
The e46 m3 has the most engine blow off in the history of the m3´s.
E39 m5 or if possible e90 m3
or my new favorite the alpina B8.
after all you went through with the Alpina.. I will stay with the M..

I will just have to wait a little bit to get some money.. M5 here I come
maybay a alpina b10 4.6 is something for you? 347 hp is not much less than 400 :)

do you missing in the usa the highways without a limit? :)
Alpina's just arent my thing. But for the right price....

Yes Iam really missing the Autobahn. But I will be back..
we will wait for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well I am supposed to wait a year.. but if I have the chance to come back it will be sooner.
ok.. so I have to break from my X-men theme with my cars as I have a 325IS and it is gold. So Thor 's nickname is Goldilocks so the name is chosen.

The process will begin shortly to hook it up to standard.

Been a minute so time for an update.. Gonna wait to do the motor work in Germany.

American Spec 92 325is.
after I put on the M-tech sides and M3 mirrors I will take some pics.. trying to find another Recaro seat for the passenger side.
Might wait to get the leather on those too..