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Hi all

I have been changing the glow plug relay already twice in 3 years and now it seems that must be changed again before winter.

Wondering if the issue is related to the part or maybe is related to my car alone.

I usually do 100KM per day to commute to work and the car has been doing this for the past 2 years.

Also, i would like to replace the glow plugs as well. Which one if the genuine brand for the M57 engine? Is Bosch better?


titel changend for more response

Bearbeitet von: Weiß-Blau-Fan-Rude am 14.09.2009 um 16:50:43
It sounds like you used not OEM-parts at your replacement.

I think the difference is not so high in the price, when i se this here Link

You must bought really poor quality even with your miles, because in summer time your engine should not use the glow-plugs often.

How you feel the dead glow-plugs ?
Checked you out the error-memory from your enginge ?