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Friends i want to buy mirrors M3 E46 and i want to know if them fix on my E36 Sedan......you know about this......and another question is, from where i can buy them ?
This mirrors i want to put on my E36:

Wait your opinions.
you have to modifie it on your own way, that won't fit together.
do you really want this mirrors,in my opinion it doesn't look very harmonious.

it think you have to buy it from you local bmw dealer...
it must be position nr.2

maybe he sends to romania:
klick - ebay germany

My friend, i don't need to modify them, exist them on the market but not here in Romania.
Look on this item for example:
Or Item Number: 260397936269

I have buy it them from this seller 2 weeks ago and the sayd that have lost the package, the Postal Office from USA dosent answer to him......i will receive the money back, but.......still dont have the mirrors.

Posible someone know where i can buy them.....please help me.