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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Hello, I do need help, I have a 318 e46, manufacturing year 2000 and I put eibach springs with dampers prokit FK but after a while does not work well.And I know what to put dampers that to be more good.From what I was told would be good or Bilstein b8 koni FSD, but they are very expensive.Cheaper alternatives do not exist? eg H & r or Weitec


Bearbeitet von - 22wtf am 10.02.2009 15:50:52
Don King
take the bilstein b8 or sachs performance..
koni yellow are well too..
also you can take the h&r cupkit..
do not take the weitec, the quality is not very well.
sachs performance = sachs m-tech or there are other types of dampers to their sport
Don King
sachs performance are abbreviated dampers.. sachs performance are used as the sport dampers by bmw..