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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
We are having serious problems with our car. It started with the dashboard lights of ABS/ASC that were turned on the whole time. Then the kilometer meter (Kilometerzähler) stopped working. The BMW dealer told us that the ABS sensor needed to be replaced. This happened but the problem was still there. We went back to the BMW garage, where we heard that the Electronic System in the key needed to be replaced. After that, the problems were still there. Now they are telling us that we need to have the ABS sensor (EXPENSIVE!) replaced, but is this true? In the meantime we are having serious steering problems, as if the Power Steering System (servo?) is malfunctioning (heavy steering) and the car sometimes "shakes" when starting with a cold engine. Are all these different problems linked to one another? Did someone else experience the same troubles?
How much oil-Fluid is in the powersteering-oiltank? if its ok, the the power steeringpump can be the problem.
What is with the cables of the instrument cluster? Anything damaged?
it is possible. lamps of abs and asc are on by driving in my bmw e39 bj. 1999 modell 2000.
it cost 550-600 euro.
The oil-fluid is ok and no cables are damaged. We went to the car dealer today, because it was getting worse and worse.

A new ABS module was installed. The mechanic who worked on the car told us that one electronic problem can infect all other electronic devices/modules. They might, one by one, start malfunctioning. So the problems with the steering system WERE a result of the ABS module that was broken...what a mess!