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I have an E34 2.0 24V with vanos. I have two separate things that I need help with.
First, the driver's door is stuk. The central locking works, the actuator can be heard, the black knob comes up if I unlock the door, also by pulling the lever from the inside, but it won't open. It seems something is stuck? Does anyone have an idea what could this be and how to solve it?
Second, I installed a keyless system. I got it to double lock the doors and to roll up windows/sunfoof, but it won't unlock the car. It will only unlock the car if I don't double lock it. It seems that another wire has to take a signal for opening? Does anyone know about this?
I thank you all for the answers.
Best regards,
for the first part of your problem I suggest taking the door panel off, and looking at the system. Its really simple, there is a screw by the inside handle and another behind the switch for your outside mirrors.
you should have a cable from the door panel to the locking mechanism. if this is broken there is your problem.
I know because mine broke last week.

No, the cable from the lever for opening the door to the lock is OK. Does anyone have experience with taking the door lining off when door is closed? I would like to hear some opinions before I go to work...
with the door closed it is almost impossible as the door needs to be moved to take the cable off.
What you can do it have the door liner off and the window down so you can open and close the door to check the system.
The door is open. It was not properly closed when locked, so it didn't unlock!? I first disengaged the battery. The door was free. Then I engaged the battery again and tried to redo the problem. I found out that the inner lever for opening the door wasnt in fully closed position when locking, so the door was stuck. Now it works as it should.
The problem with remote unlocking still presists..
So little people are reading the interantional forum...
Regards, Simon.
a lot of the people who read the international forum are getting deployed to Iraq, or are back in the USA...
But I am still here

a lot of the people who read the international forum are getting deployed to Iraq, or are back in the USA...
But I am still here

I'm still here. sounds like you might have to also reprogram your remote.

(Zitat von: BILAL)