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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Hallo leute,

How is everyone, I'm new to the site and am in love with BMW's ever since I was a child. However, I speak some German so I can understand most of the site. Is anyone else here in America?
I am. right now I'm in washington state. I lived in germany for seven years. that's where I got to meet some of the members here on the forum.
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
American born and raised but I am still in Germany. There are a few Americans here (Germany) that are on line and GI Angel reps Syndikat lovely in the States. Cant forget Profiler (Joe) in Afghanistan.

Glad to have you here...


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.

Nice to have you here....have a lot of fun with our website!

But guys....I think now it's time to build up an offical US chapter of BMW Syndikat?

--> BMW Syndikat Region USA :o)
I finally found something pertaining to euro cars. I'm so sick of the ricers so finally I can go get together with some people that I have something in common with check this out cause I'm there!
********************************************This is one of the biggest drive of the year so if you're only going to attend one this would probably be the one.

More can be found here...

Saturday, July 8th – Drive to Leavenworth – Evolution Sports

The sun’s shining, the breeze is warm…
it can only mean 1 thing…

It’s time for the 6th annual Evolution Sports to Leavenworth Drive !

When: Saturday, July 8th
Where: Evolution Sports | Kirkland, WA (Click Here for Directions)
Destination: Midpoint stop Stevens Pass and on to Leavenworth
Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m.
Departing Time: 11:30 a.m.

Our 2006 Event will add a new twist.
All participant cars will be required to make a minimum $10.00 Cash Donation to Charity.
At the time of donation we will ask which charity you prefer and will total the results and forward to the charity that was expressed most frequent.
This is a great opportunity for you to feel good about your participation and shine a positive light on the European Car Community.

Please be sure to have a full tank of gas when you arrive @ Evolution Sports!

Last year’s event was attended by approximately 300 European cars from VW, Audi, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes Benz & Volvo and others.
Here are some picture highlights (Click here for a complete gallery).
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
hey all whats up, greetings from the sandbox.. well im done with my contract so ill be heading back to the states here in a few days.. dont worry ill try and make it back there at least for the winter loll. well u guys take care tlk later
Angelkassel 88
I was in Amerika, in Washington DC for 10 Month.I was working there as a Nanny. But now I´m back in Germany for Vacation and then I go to Virginia in September. The onlyest thing that I did´nt like over there was that just old Peopel drive BMW, it is just to expensive for kids like me.

H&K Angel
yeah, thats the way i wanne see the syndikat....all over the world :D
- @ Micha its coming.. we got contacts everywhere.
- @ Angel - was looking for you to be in Fulda...
Touri Normi
hey guys,

kewl, something's hapenning here.
@pimboli, i think this is a graet idea to have an own american section, and maybe in 2 years, the syndikate will be the world's biggest Beamer community ;).

but something's missing in the international forum. the topics for discussing and changing ideas and skills berween each other.

so far and best regards to the other ( and perhaps the more warm ) side of the world.

and please don't try to correct my english, would take some hours i think ;)

cya Norman
I know what you mean .. there arent the type of topics like in any other forum ...
But there are only a few of us and we all have different models and types of cars.

So we tend to be more personal and less about the cars.

Touri Normi
oh yes, thats true ;(
@Bilal, sorry I wont make it this christmas but I will be there for the beggining of next season. I'm going to Iraq in July so I'll stop and visit before I go
Touri Normi
@G.I. are you in the army, navy or airforce? if yes, how long do the US soldiers have to go to iraq, afghanistan or whereever normally?
im also in the army at the "flying troops".
