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Hey Guys,

two days ago i saw a red bmw e39.

the car was built up like a M5, maybe it's M5.

I saw the car while driving to sandhofen...at the traffic lights after Autobahn A6.

The car was prepaird with some BMW-Syndikat stickers on the windows and also with some digitech stickers.

Somebody knows that guy?

i looked in the fotostories - found one red e39-but i think its old season performance.

It has to be the one and only RedDevil.

He lives in Mannheim.

He is on here somewhere...but like a lot of us he works alot and checks the other BMW sites as well.
Shoot him a PM.
hey bilal, now i know the engine. i was suprised, because tuning is very similar to m5 style. nice car and thanks for you help.
LOL...yeah it was me! Hopefully by this weekend(have my fingers crossed) I will have my "own" look....its gonna be tight time-wise though!