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Im interested in converting the front end of my car to get the boser look. Its not frequently done here in the USA. I dont know of ANYONE in the usa who has done it. I was wondering if there are any detailed instructions i can give to my bodyshop? I want the car to look like this:

PLEASE help me with instructions!

there are some other guys speaking english here then me, but in the mean let me explain it to u - u will have 2 optios - first of all there are tuning parts u can add them to the front hood/the front lights - it will not the same but very close to that picture - the particular picture shows an INDIVIDUAL hand made hood with the so called BÖSER BLICK - that hand made needs some additional parts and of course a new painting - ok ?? - charles
charly schulz
i am not looking for add-on eyelid or eybrow. I was my car to look just like that as in the picture. I know its 100% custom and will need welding/paint. Do you have any welding pictures/instruction?

My bodyshop man needs to see instructions/pictures of the install.


i am not looking for add-on eyelid or eybrow. I want my car to look just like that as in the picture. I know its 100% custom and will need welding/paint. Do you have any welding pictures/instruction?

My bodyshop man needs to see instructions/pictures of the install.


(Zitat von: neal1st)

i found the instructions! I will print it and give it to my bodyshop person and he will do it for me. How much hours will this take?

You can ask "-Patrick- ", this Syndikat Member make this hood´s at home.

Die Offenbarung des Haubenumbau Meisters ->PATRICK

He made the bonet from the black E36 in your picture.

Es wird immer nur eine Marke geben mit Freude am Fahren und das ist BMW.

i found the instructions! I will print it and give it to my bodyshop person and he will do it for me. How much hours will this take?


(Zitat von: neal1st)

Hi neal1st!

Normally the work takes about 1 day of work for experienced bodyshop persons. I guess the instruction you find is quite good so that he will know exactly what to do.
And tell him to use enough tin! ;-)

Mein gebrushtes Cabrio

...jetzt endlich mit Z3-Sitzen :-)
Oh oh, the "E46-bad-look-hood" goes Amerika! :)
[fehlerhaft_angegebener_Link:]../bmwsyndikatfotos/link.asp?TOPIC_ID=600[/fehlerhaft_angegebener_Link]Compacte Fotostory (20.01.06) » BMW Team Oberhavel « XXL Fotostory
ill take the pictures and get a cost tomorrow from the bodyshop. Im thinking 500-1K american. I cant wait my car will be very unique here in the USA. Anyone have other Pictures of boser hood on e36?

ill take the pictures and get a cost tomorrow from the bodyshop. Im thinking 500-1K american. I cant wait my car will be very unique here in the USA. Anyone have other Pictures of boser hood on e36?

(Zitat von: neal1st)

You can look through the fotostory from the E36 cars, there you find many different styles from the "E46-bad-look-hood".

Es wird immer nur eine Marke geben mit Freude am Fahren und das ist BMW.
...or take a look at my signature and follow the link :-)


Mein gebrushtes Cabrio

...jetzt endlich mit Z3-Sitzen :-)