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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
I put on the improved steering rack which is 3.0 turns lock to lock instead of ~3.2.
Now the DSC is confused and operates when it should not because the steering angle sensor is overstating the steering wheel angle.
The DSC needs adjusting but nobody here knows how to do it.
Anybody done this or know how?
Have you asked a BMW-Dealer? He should be the only one who is able (and allowed) to adjust your DSC-System.
Should be no problem for him.
The dealer will not touch it, even though I think the solution is the software upgrade kit BMW launched in 2000 for the new rack. They say it is not standard so cannot help!
On monday i will ask MY dealer if it's possible to "repair" your DSC by upgrading it. When you say, that this is the solution, then it should be possible to do it. Also for a british dealer. I'll write you monday morning.