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How does everyone feel about a BBQ on Tompkins (or where ever) on Sunday.
Could be Profilers' last weekend with us.


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
Where is Tompkins..?


Hey Bilal,

we´re planing a BBQ on Thursday at round about 13 or 14 o´clock. So, we can come togehter and have a nice day ;o)))
Ask Joe and Angel (and anybody else) if they wanna come too, .... so we can "say good bye" to Joe ...

Not my best english, but I think you will understand it ;o)))

@ Jessy-

I have to work until at least 1600 and then I have school at 1815. But I will come through for a short while.

I will see if anyone else wants to come.

@ all-
Tompkins Barracks is in Schwetzingen.
Friedrichfelder Strasse for those who use Navigation


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
You have to work and go to school on a holiday?
But Krissi does not work on Thursday, doesn´t she?
So I hope, we will meet each other anyway.

Bye and C U
Yes I have to work on German holidays but not American holidays... I will see if I HAVE to go to school though.

Krissi should be off. I will see if she has anything else planned. I hope not


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
so.. thursday is the day?!

Damn, it's a 2 x 290km route for me, is it worth it ? :-(


Sorry that I didnt write earlier but this was a truly messed up weekend!!!

With the weather being like this it makes no sence for a BBQ.

Maybe just a real good dinner somewhere.

Any ideas?


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
where else other than good ol' Pizza Hut?

Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
Talked to Joe yesterday...
I think it would be best if we do something right after the show on SUNDAY.
That is correct the next show is this SUNDAY.

Chinese or Greek??


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.

Bearbeitet von - Bilal am 11.05.2005 08:13:59
Hey Bilal
Yes, Greek is a good idea.
I think, Kosmas and Eleni wanna come too. They love greek food.

This Show on sunday, you HAVE to come, no matter if its raining (man) ;o))) OK?!?