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Is anyone going to the show in Oberhausen?

I am not taking my car, that is for sure but still might show up.


Anyone else?

A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
if i dont have to work :D
mfg stormy

Und der Pilot dreht um und fliegt zurück

Not me sorry I have too many unfinished projects to take care of. Maybe the next one.
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
I really want to go but some of the projects on my car have put a dent in the old bank account! Plus I have nightshift....naja I still might go though!

There was a camera back there? Oh shhhh...!
Well I have to work + my moms b-day is on the 22.

Problem is I have to work till 10pm on that friday, so I will visit my mom on the 23.

next time ;-)
mfg stormy

Und der Pilot dreht um und fliegt zurück