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Sorry for speaking in english but thats all i know at this time. Been here for a while in germany but still dont know the language..i can understand it pretty good but speaking..not that good. But of course u guys can post back in german. Im 27 years old and live in frankfurt am main. Drive a e36 coupe 318is & a 325is coupe, both year 95. one is a german spec and the other one is a us spec. My goals for this summer season is to make both of them very tight and smooth...so I hope you guys can support me with your suggestions. And ill try my best to help yall too..thanks....
do u want to change the styling of your cars or their power? how much money can u spend on it?

and never forget: some tuning-parts have to be checked by the TÜV. some parts have an ABE and they dont have to be checked by the tüv. if there is a "teile-gutachten", you have to show your car to the them. and if there is neither an ABE, nor a "teile-gutachten", dont buy that part! otherwise u will get trouble with the police.

Bearbeitet von - hero182 am 12.04.2005 18:34:21