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I want to do the E46 look for my Compakt. I have 2 questions(very important ones). I wanna know where is the average price and where is the best place to do it near Mannheim(50 Km. max) Any ideas?
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
www.kfz-rossbach.de There you will find some different looks your able to get for 1500€. But its only the work, not the parts!

Ey Lan! Was guckst Du! Achmet und ich sagen: kommst hier voll krass net rein!
der rossbach is aber en gutes stück weiter als 50km von mannheim weg.

hmm, mein englisch is mies aber ich probiers mal trotzdem *g*

do you want the complete e46 look with e46 headlights or only the hood?

only the hood i can do it for 300 euro. but it´s ca. 150km from Mannheim.

Lalala lasst euch nicht verarschen, vorallem nicht vom TÜV!

Justcar - Karosserietuning, Carhifi and more!
hey patrick,BIPOLAR talked to me about you last saturday during lunch. I saw a picture of his. he told me that you were the one that did it. I have to see him at VD tech so maybe I can stop by that day. How long will it take you?

Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
also I just want the hood only not the entire front from e46. The distance wont be a problem.
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!

It will take him about 2-3 days. Normally...if he doesen´t have vacation...he start on friday afternoon and finish it sunday evening.

Just check the members, that have patricks hoods. I have one, haugi, loone, reddy, sg318is, bodensee bmwler.....check them out.

He´s doin pretty good work.....no doubt about that.
The Undercover-Turk
Thanx, I will check them out! :)
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!