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Hey everyone.. there is a ski trip being planned right now. We will talk about it more on Saturday at the BBQ. It is supposed to be around Christmas time. More details to follow....


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
Sounds cool but my leave is used up for the year. Wont be able to do anything longer than 3days out until next January!

There was a camera back there? Oh shhhh...!
if im here im game. im planning on goign to the states around 17dec to the 7jan. after or b4 those dates i would like to get some snow.

life is too short to be safe. live each day as if it was your last.
I went on a ski trip in february..........i f..in hated it like a motherf...er!!!!!!

Ich bin der, der sich über alles lustig macht!
that is because it was cold...



Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
I'm game if Im here!

If you can't beat em'.....
go around them
please go all to the "interne Events" Forum and put your names in the winter vacation thread (everybody who wants to join). There are all informations about when where and why :)

let me now if you need some help on the translation there (post it there if somethin is unclear)

It will be a great event, I promise :) !!

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"Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!" ;o]