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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
i just want to say congrats to this weekends winners in kirkal. i also have to thank jogi, bilal, and cosmo for all thier ideas and support. thanks again.
Well I am really the one who should be saying Thank you.

It touched me so much that everyone stayed to work on my car instead of riding on to the show ... I am not the emotion guy but I was and still am very touched.

I thank all that stayed and got dirty with me to get Nightcrawler back on the road.

To the victors this weekend Congrats.

Syndikat rocks!!!!!

Life is like a video game but the graphic are better!!
i just have to say somthing else. most of the pics that i took on the way up there came out pretty kewl... jogi yours came out too. i made a couple of video clips they are alright.. so what did we decide on for a name of my car again??
Green Goblin.

Life is like a video game but the graphic are better!!
k you know im old and i 4get things..
First of all...congrats to all the winners!
Everbody really deserved it.

Green goblin is a perfect name.Evil but good. :-)

Or are you still thinking about " simple green"? :-)

-Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum!-
i like the name green goblin.. i just need to find some green angel eyes.. then it will look evil
That would look pretty good.
I didnt know that you can buy angel eyes in different colors.

-Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum!-