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Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator angry81 am 06.04.2011 um 08:25:11 aus dem Forum "verschiedene Preise / Kaufberatung" in dieses Forum verschoben.

Hi everybody form Moscow. I'm going to Munich tomorrow and want to buy this gray line sticker on my e90 . In Moscow the most expensive are official dealers and we try to find some other shops, do u have the same in Germany or it's better to visit BMW and buy there? I'll be only two days in Munich and don't want to spend my time looking for it.

P.S. Does anybody know it this line gray or black is existed too?


Bearbeitet von: Vodka am 04.04.2011 um 10:44:31

Bearbeitet von: angry81 am 06.04.2011 um 08:25:11
You can try it here, that is a official BMW-dealer, and they having most time a good price.
