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Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator angry81 am 01.06.2016 um 08:17:28 aus dem Forum "5er BMW - E60 / E61" in dieses Forum verschoben.

Good evening all, 

Again apologies for using English.

I own a BMW E61 525d, 12/2006 and was looking for a Diagnostics cable. Thought of buying one that would offer some basic coding options though. 

So I saw this: 


And this : 


What are the differences apart from the two obvious, the largest car range and the price :) ? 

Bearbeitet von: angry81 am 01.06.2016 um 08:17:28

for basic coding you should think about that App here.


45€ for the App and 23€ for a Gen.1 BT-Adapter, the Gen.2 BT Adapter cost around 40€.

Hello, thanks for your reply...I have indeed bought it and works great to be honest although it doesn't support my CCC -have to wait until I have upgraded to CiC :).