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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Ok guys, despite the weather, im happy with the trip... but it went scheisse in Sweeden:

And it went just like I feared, me and my gf took a choice, lets drive home in withn 24 hr. After 3 tanks of fuel and midway in Sweeden around 04.00 this morning, I hit something in the dark in "quite high speed", and my front gitter and license plate, and bumper was a thing of the past..

I took what I could find, and drove further, and almost at the boarder I got pulled over by the Police for driving withouth license plate in front and fined 200 €... BAD!

But now Im home, just gonna sleep some, and then Im gonna upload my 1500ish fotos I took on the trip..

Thanks to Jogi, Bilal, Christoph and all of the Syndikat team for makin this a event like it is possible!! Also met alot of new friends, its so cool that even tough some langual barriers, people can get to know each other over some cars :-)

I will be there next year, but for this season Essen is next :-)

Now Im gonna sleep for like 20+ hrs... ZzzZzZzz
first things first.. I am glad you made it home safe.
Second Congrats on your trophies...
Hope to see you again next year.