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I noticed that the german car scene in the northwest has been sky rocketing lately and it was proven this past saturday when more than 325 cars showed up for a drive to leavenworth. Luckily one of the guys in our group had a police scanner and a radar jammer so we just rolled at an average of 110 mph even getting up to 135 mph in some areas. Just imagine a pack of 10 M3 tearing through mountain sides. Even tough I'm going to miss race wars I can at least say that I had some fun with enthusiasts just like me. Pictures from the meet and greet

most of the from in this drive was from making fun of japanese cars and VW's

here's a few pictures from the drive.

Bearbeitet von - g.i.angel am 11.07.2006 06:07:12
Man do you know how long it takes for those pics to load up...

But its good to see you are in good hands out there!