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does any one know where and when we are having the monthly meeting? since the next 3 weekends are shows..
the meeting is supposed to be the same weekend as the show in Heilbronn. I asked if they want to move it to Sunday but didnt get an answer yet....

Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
i dont think im going to that one its 15 eruo and its big boys first one so no telling how good its going to be
where is the monthly meeting.. around Heidelberg?

Our regional meeting is in Frankenthal on the 14th at 1600. If you look under regional Treffen I think the directions are there..

Good to see someone new writing here though

Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
so i take it that no one wants to go to big boys show huh
I think I'm gonna hit Asslar and RBK/Cologne.. and for the monthly meets - Frankenthal is really far away, too bad.

so the meeting is in the same place like always??
same place different day.

Our meeting is on Sunday so we can go to Big Boys show in Heilbron...

It will be good because we can hook up with the other Syndikat members there.


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
kewl then i wont make ne plans for that weekend...http://members.cardomain.com/profiler
The plan is now to have the monthly meeting in Mannheim.

The Wal-Mart right outside BFV... in the parking lot there then go somewhere and Eat, maybe BBQ.

Just wanted to let you all know.


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
k thats the one by talor barracks right

life is too short to be safe. live each day as if it was your last.
That is the one.
Yuo going to the Crafty shop later??


Life is like a video game and you always wish you had a bigger memory card!!!!
ill be there im just finishing up here at work

life is too short to be safe. live each day as if it was your last.