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Beitrag von blackrussian

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Original Beitrag / Story

Date: 11.12.2008
Hallo guys,

My german is not my strong part so if you excuse Ill express my self in eng.
I got this car since 2006 form the original owner from Switzerland (probably an old man :) )
It was in a mint condition - most of my friends who never saw this car before thought it is new :)
First year or two I was just keeping it stock and enjoying the life.
Later I came across some tuned up coupes in the internet and so my never ending customisation story begun. First of all I swapped the stock rims to a 18" kesken. It was nice but not enough.
So coilover suspension followed up. It was a blast. This is how I started living the life of a stance guy.
Now I can not imagine my self on a stock hight.
Currently the car has custom differential with lock, short speed range, and a free flow exhaust.
If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them.
BMW-Syndikat Fotostorie
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BMW-Syndikat Fotostorie
BMW-Syndikat Fotostorie
BMW-Syndikat Fotostorie
BMW-Syndikat Fotostorie
[manuell hochladen]http://elmi-tech.com/rear.jpg[/manuell hochladen]
[manuell hochladen]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_aBkXUkj0mQw/S_u5Q6MJ6aI/AAAAAAAACxc/fcdJefm8ltY/s640/%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE1821.jpg[/manuell hochladen]
[img][/img][manuell hochladen]https://d-a.d-cd.net/e81c054s-960.jpg[/manuell hochladen]

Bearbeitet von: blackrussian am 11.04.2014 um 17:01:21

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