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M5 motor in E36 - Motoren: Umbau & Tuning

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Beitrag von: n/a
Date: 29.11.2003
Thema: M5 motor in E36
Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator Fabian am 29/11/2003 um 16:51:23 in dieses Forum verschoben.

I did a search and saw what was previosly posted, but I was wondering if anyone has some new onformation or pictures or knows of any tuner that has put the S62 M5 motor (400hp) into an e36. I know Joe's cousin did, but he has no pictures. I am really looking to do this and am searching for some help. By they way, I saw before people commenting on that motor affecting handling because of weight, however the M5 motor is only 10 lbs heavier then the stock e36 m3 3.2L motor.

The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!

Bearbeitet von - Fabian am 29/11/2003 16:51:23

Autor: CrazyAchmed
Datum: 29.11.2003
what is that picture good for? hmm...let me guess...your ego?

anyway, you should post this into the motors-forum, and 56 posts with exactly the same content are not necassary.

www.board-z.de Kostenlose und Werbefrei Bulletin Boards
Autor: stormy
Datum: 30.11.2003

and 56 posts with exactly the same content are not necassary.

looking at the time diffrence of the post i would say it was an acident.....

anyway i like the pic :D

mfg stormy

da isser

wer spaeter bremst ist frueher zuhause*fg*

Autor: Gazmann
Datum: 30.11.2003


and 56 posts with exactly the same content are not necassary.

looking at the time diffrence of the post i would say it was an acident.....

anyway i like the pic :D

mfg stormy

da isser

wer spaeter bremst ist frueher zuhause*fg*

me too :D
i guess i have a pic of a V8 into a e36 let me see maybe i can find it ;o)


>>Multimediaausbau fertig, mit Mon. Navi.DVD. X- Box. etc.<<

Gazbart der Barbar, König der Freibeuter

Bearbeitet von - gazmann am 30/11/2003 18:53:38
Autor: FRY
Datum: 01.12.2003
look for ALPINA B8 !
this car was the only E36 wich was built with a V8 machine.

mfg FRY

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. :o)

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