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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
hi people,

i'm a true e36 addict and i want to buy an 318is coupe from germany but my country prohibits non-euro3 cars. can you tell me if the coupe can be converted to meet euro3 standards ? How much can this cost ?

sorry for writing in english but i don't speak german :(

Bearbeitet von - e36addict am 08.06.2005 08:47:59
You can convert every car, the catalysator must be changed. As I know, costs the Euro3-catalysator between 600 - 700 euro in Germany, and you must calculate 100-200 euro for the installation.
thanks for the response! so after i install the new katalysator the car brief will say that the car have euro 3 ?