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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
To “jump out” of the boring stock exhaust, iPE is offering an exhaust system that comes with intelligence to
excite the brand new BMW 435i. Developed specifically for the 435i design, iPE system has enhanced the
exhaust flow and sound by more than “a notch”. When setting the Valvetronic System to Smart (AUTO)
mode, the system will adjust the opening and closing of the valves base on the driver’s driving input.
This keeps the 435i staying at its peak performance at all times.

7 Reasons making the iPE Intelligent Valvetronic System IRRESISTIBLE!

1. With the matching exterior design of the stock exhaust, installing the iPE system becomes much simpler.
Performance has also increased by reducing the 0-100kph time, giving the driver a smile from ear to ear!

2. Compare to majority of brands that only offer certain sections of the exhaust,
iPE is one of the few that developed a complete system, includes the front end,
for all models. Having the performance enhanced,
iPE’s Intelligent Valvetronic System becomes the best choice for owners out there.

3. For any iPE owners, the exhaust sound developed by the Intelligent Valvetronic System becomes “addictive”.
In OFF mode, the exhaust is 20% louder than stock system.
In ON mode, more than 50% “scream factor” is produced, giving the owner a “Formula-1”experience!

Stock exhaust P-Box readings

iPE system P-Box readings

4. iPE Intelligent Valvetronic System has not only enhanced it’s sound experience,
but also increased the performance of the vehicle significantly.
The 100kph~200kph accelerating time has reduced. 0~200kph time is also reduced to just over 2.5 seconds.
iPE system truly unleashes the “beast” within your 435i!

5. iPE product is completely hand-made with SUS304 Stainless Steel.
High levels of nickel and chrome materials are used for rust prevention, raising the “immunity” of all iPE exhausts!

6. iPE Intelligent Valvetronic System has efficiently achieved a fine-balance between the exhaust “flow” and “back-pressure”
to increase the vehicles horsepower at higher speeds without sacrificing its torque at lower speeds.
This well balance made the 435i performs handsomely through corners and straight lines!

7. In the aftermarket exhaust field, resonance is a major issue when they are made from an un-trained manufacturer.
With iPE’s elite R&D Team, we have overcome every problem we have encountered, particularly on the resonance issues.
With understanding the customers need and satisfaction, we have disciplined ourselves to focus on all aspects of the
product down to the slightest details in order to achieve a comfortable driving experience!

iPE’s unique Intelligent Valvetronic technology have truly achieved to offer an “all-aspect” satisfaction for our 435i owners.
With the ON mode, every owner has the pleasure to enjoy the head-turning “F-1” experience of their lifetime.
With the OFF mode, you get to keep the leash on for your beast when a “low profile” is necessary.
Or, simply leave the system in AUTO mode, with a step on the gas, and just let your “inner-beast” run free! iPE exhaust
system completes your BMW 435i.

youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDlIAqYh2Fw

IPE http://www.ipe-f1.com/