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Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator angry-playboy am 15.10.2009 um 06:58:11 aus dem Forum "3er BMW - E46" in dieses Forum verschoben.

anyone knows where you can buy this kit in germany?

thanks lenni

Bearbeitet von: angry-playboy am 15.10.2009 um 06:58:11
I just "googled" around a bit and just
found foreign webshops.
An "alternative" would be ebay. :/
ebay dont have, and no shops there can get it, a shop in europe would also be okay if anyone knows one ;)
There are some on ebay.
i bought myself an Airfilter a few weeks ago.

i got it from the eBay-vendor and shopman FHB-Store24
not for e46?

it is this im searching for: http://schmiedmann.dk/3er_serien/E46/Udstyr-Tilbehoer/Tuning_og_optimering/Side21.htm#pg944

Bearbeitet von: len9 am 15.10.2009 um 13:17:45
ahh ok.
Then just use the German Schmiedmann Shop. They are located in Flensburg.
I bought last week a improved water pump ,thermostat and hex bolt.

The confirmation mail from the webshop order is badly translated from danish.
but payment, transaction and delivery works fine.

i know schmiedmann but their prices are +100euro on everything, and they could first get it in stock in about 14 days

aber danke für dein hilfe ;)

Bearbeitet von: len9 am 15.10.2009 um 13:49:46