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I don't have the time to write in german, so I'll write in english instead. Hope it's ok?

Well, I need to know how I get my rear bumper of (m-tec). I do know that there are some screws located underneath the protection strip, but I don't know the easiest way to get them of?

The part im referring to is number three and four on the picture.

Best regards

Bearbeitet von - trex_dk am 27.05.2007 22:50:46
under Number 3 + 4 are no Screws.You can see the Screws when you look under the Bumper.
Remove the two Screws (Number 7 in my Link) and push the Bumper back.Thats all

Push me
THX. I'll try that as the first thing tomorrow :)

normaly you have to remove a diffusor before you can see the screws of the carrier bracket.

That's no big problem, the diffusor is only locked with some "clips".

Remove it, and you can see the Screw Heads from the bottom of your car. Should be a big torx not a inbus (the inbus is only for adjusting the hight of the Bumper).

But before removing the bumper you should remove the screws in the fenders. There are 3 Screws or Expanding rivet to remove.

When these Screws are removes you can take the bumper with one person off. Just pulling to the back of the car :-))

It's not a heavy thing, but be carefull or your lacquer would b screwed up :-))

A nice explanation you can find here.(it's for removing a trailer coupling, but it helps for your work).
