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Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator taissel am 22.03.2005 um 08:18:24 in dieses Forum verschoben.

How many months does it take to immatriculate an BMW, manufactured in Germany for export to USA, in France?

How many weeks does it take to provide the "Plaque constructeur" by BMW in France?


Bearbeitet von - taissel am 22.03.2005 08:18:24

No matter where you are in the world if you are going to send a car to the USA that is not American Specifications, it is better to get it done in America.

I was told last week by our registration office that there are not any qualified/certified companies in Europe.

You would have to contact the Dept of Transportation to find out where to send the car, so it can get worked on to pass insepection in the US.


A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.