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Where can I find the wiring diagram for E36 Compakt. I'm trying to install FK head lidghts but I need to figure out how the wires should go. Anyone help!
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
theres no problem!
u just need the plug of the limo/touring/coupe
its a centralplug, where all 3 lights are included.
now my tip, go to a "schrotthändler" (wastemonger???), search for e36 lim/tour/cou and cut out the plugs.

the wire coulours of your actual plugs are the same like the new. connect them and now u have the plug that u need.

one tip for free, i dont want toe be impolite, but learn german.
u cant expect service if u dont speak our language. not everyone is able to speak english well, or maybe doesnt want to.
if u need help, ask so that everyone understands u.
Wenn Schweine fliegen könnten, bräuchten Bullen keine Hubschrauber!
well, thanks for your tip but speaking german and writing it are two different things. I can speak it a little and I can almost understand it all but I cannot write it to save my life. Anyway, Thanks for your tip and I will do that.
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
i changed to H1 headlights with centralplug too...
like chris said you only need the 2 plugs and put it together with your current cables...
its not difficult...i bought some new one at bmw with cables and then i had to measure out the correct lightpins because all 4 had idendical colors :P! but when its like chris said that the colors are identical you will have no problem to put them together....
Mein Compact
I went to Bmw today and ordered the new plugs since I cant find a wrecked e36 anywhere near here. Does anyone know where to get a wiring diagram?
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!
well i cut out my plugs and leftside and right side had the same colours. maybe i just had luck.
i always thought the colour of the wiring is normed?
hm and why am i wirting english when im asking ypoc?
damn, whatever hope u will fix everything correct, good luck!
Wenn Schweine fliegen könnten, bräuchten Bullen keine Hubschrauber!
i took a "voltmeter"...and measured the resistor!

one contact on a pin and the other on one of the lightcables of the headlight!when it beeps i knew what pin is full,dim or ground..so i checkt all 4 pins! the i knew what pin is fullight, dimlight and ground and put it together with the cables of the lights of my compact...

i hope you understand what i mean...my english is not perfect :D
Mein Compact
yeah I got a voltmeter and I know exactly what you are talking about. I just have to go to pick up the adapters. Thank you again.
Life's most simple pleasures.....
Cost a shitload of money!