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Hello BMW friends,

I drive an e82 120d bj 2011 ..

I got into my car this morning and when I drove off I noticed something was wrong ..

On the one hand, the following problem:

When accelerating slightly, it does not accelerate continuously but jerks off and to ..
Strangely enough, this does not happen at full load!

In addition, if I drive, for example, in 2nd gear at 40 km / h and then push down fully, it feels like a second before he accepts and pulls!

Are the problems related or not?omegle xender

And what's wrong with the first problem?
Have read several times that the egr should be cleaned on the M47 or intake manifold etc ..
However, I read that cleaning the egr does not help with the n47 ?!

Therefore the question, what could I try and clean and do you have pictures of it?

Bearbeitet von: EleanorWyatt am 21.06.2021 um 09:49:08