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T H E M A     R Ü C K B L I C K
Then I returned home from Syndikat Racewars.
2665 km total both ways.
Was it worth it? Yes!

Oh my old E34 is tired now :)
this was a very long trip vor you i think ;-) i hope you have fun an next year you come again. and next year the weather is better we all hope!
yeah, depending on that what i recognized the damn bad weather was the most negative aspect of the whole event...

hey guy! hope you had fun, although the weather was quite terrible;-))
such a event unfortunately always depends on the weather. but nevertheless i think it was very good.

yeah it was fun, too bad the weather didnt hold up at saturday and sunday.. schlecth!

anyway will return again next year.

Hopefully with a nicer car than my old E34 this year.. (watch my foto story..)
