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Sorry for posting in english. But My german is so schlecht...:)
I can read german but not write
Just wondering if anyone in here got a clue about the DKT (drosselklappestellung) signal coming from the DME control unit and going to the EGS control unit consists of. Its not normal voltage signal.
Im tryning to get a Turbo E36 with Autronic engine management to talk to a EGS 7.32 transmission controller. The car had Siemens DME from factory. The transmission is ZF5HP18 (A5S310). Model year is 1993 320i M50TU

And help would be great! I have spent some hours with a signal generator and a diagnostic scanner to try to find out something..:)


Ivar Finnvik


I do not know it, because I have no experience with yourt system. But just an idea... Have you figured out if the EGS 7.32 is already working with CAN-Bus? Might be the problem.

What I know is, the GS 8.36 (system after yours, E36 since 1995) has CAN, i.e. the signals are digital and no longer "analog". For solving the problem you need the knowledge about the CAN-Protocols to simulate.